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How to Use Narcan® Nasal Spray

Call 911 

NARCAN®  is not a substitute for Emergency Medical Care in an overdose. 

What is Narcan®Nasal Spray?

Narcan® Nasal Spray, when used in conjunction with emergency medical care, can help restore breathing to a person experiencing an Opioid-induced overdose.


If someone you know takes opioids or prescription opioids,  be prepared for possible live-threatening opioid overdose emergency by having Narcan™ rescue kit nearby. 

  • Narcan® is a Naloxone nasal spray. It can help in a possible life-threatening opioid overdose emergency.

  • Narcan® is an "opioid antagonist".

  • Narcan® can quickly restore normal breathing to a person whose breathing has slowed or stopped because of an opioid overdose. 

  • Narcan® is needle-free and designed for ease of use. 

  • Narcan® requires no assembly or specialized training. Inhalation is not required.

How to recognize an Opioid Overdose:

Signs of an overdose, which often results in death if not treated, include:

  • Unconsciousness or inability to awaken.

  •  Slow or shallow breathing or breathing difficulty such as choking sounds or a gurgling/snoring noise from a person who cannot be awakened.

  •  Fingernails or lips turning blue/purple. If an opioid overdose is suspected, stimulate the person:

    • Call the person’s name.

    • If this doesn’t work, vigorously grind knuckles into the sternum (the breastbone in middle of chest) or rub knuckles on the person’s upper lip.

    • If the person responds, assess whether he or she can maintain responsiveness and breathing.

    • Continue to monitor the person, including breathing and alertness, and try to keep the person awake
      and alert. 

If the person does not respond, call 911, provide rescue breathing if the person is not breathing on their own, and administer one dose of naloxone. 


(720) 938-4410

953 N Plum Grove Road
Suite B 
Schaumberg, IL 60173

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Narcan® is a registered trademark of emergent operations Ireland limited

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